#2: AI in the coffee industry, fears, and emotional amplitude – Darina Onoprienko
As we sip our morning coffee, we rarely think about the long journey that coffee beans make, before they end up in our cup. Even more rarely do we associate coffee with artificial intelligence.
Agrivero.ai is an AI-enabled solution that provides data-driven quality control and traceability solutions for producers, traders and roasters along the green coffee supply chain.
Quality control is key along the green coffee supply chain
As global consumer demand for sustainable coffee grows, complying with respective green quality control standards is increasingly becoming a necessity for coffee producers to remain competitive. We speak to founder Darina Onoprienko, as she provides insights into the challenges faced by producers and how ai-enabled quality control promises greater efficiency and fairer earnings for Colombian coffee farmers.
Darina has shared her entrepreneurial journey as a public speaker and educator, at around 30 events internationally including a keynote at AI for Good Conference, organized by the UN. She has been recently featured by LETA Capital on the list of 100 Russian-speaking female tech founders.
Agrivero was born as her passion for coffee merged with her experience in supply chain innovation and the desire to develop AI solutions for social good.
Do we ever stop doubting our selves?
We talk to Darina about overcoming the imposter syndrome as she speaks candidly about her fears as a newcomer to the coffee industry.
“Fear is proof that we are doing something new and that we are learning”
Self-doubt is often part of the founder experience. When venturing into new professional horizons one must learn to act despite such fears.